
Welcome to Stoned_Apes_On_WAXP

The NFT phenomenon

Which Stoned Ape will you be collecting 

A finite collection of only one hundred 1 of 1s.

There is also 3 collage sets of 15 that is a collection target to get bonus NFT drops to wallets. Those who own one, 1 of 1 and a full set of the 3 x 15 collages, will receive free bonus Stoned Apes On WAXP NFTs. That will get sent out to their WAXP wallets.

So make sure you have your WAX wallet at the ready.

IRL SAOW merchandise redeemable NFTs for T-Shirts.

A Stoned Apes On WAXP Batman edition set will also be a rare low minted asset for the avid collectors. 

10 different templates only minted at 25 each. 

With the mint #1s not for sale assets. A SAOW Batman Bounty Hunt will take place across the wax verse and other places. 

You will need to own a Batman Bounty hunt permit NFT to be able to redeem for a mint #1 should you be one of the lucky 10 who manage to find them through clues, puzzles and cross 

Telegram room hunts as well as other social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and others. Think of it like a digital cicada hunt for WAXP NFTs

Good luck SAOW Batman Bounty Hunters.

Click the button below to take you directly to Neftyblocks to view the collection


Address: Gold Coast Australia





Stoned_Apes_On_WAXP Blockchain.
Not all images on site are NFTs
Well not yet anyway............. 
Website domain is subject to change as project develops.
Selling on the WAXP NFT creator platform and marketplace -
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